
About The Land O Lakes Local Restaurant Community Resource  Directory

Our community resource website is an online list or catalog of restaurant and food providers in the greater Land O Lakes, Florida local area. Our local area includes parts of Pasco, Pinellas,  and Hillsborough Counties, including Bayonet Point, Cheval, Dunedin, Elfers, Holiday, Hudson, Keystone, Lake Fern, Land O Lakes, Lutz, New Port Richey, New Tampa, Pebble Creek, Port Richey, Seven Springs, Tarpon Springs, Trinity, Wesley Chapel, and more. This community resource website includes listings containing restaurants’ information such as the restaurant name, address, phone number, and more, including links to their websites, organized into categories, and sometimes subcategories.

When you shop local and buy local, the majority of the money you spend stays in the local community to create jobs, promote community, and support local businesses. Shopping at local small businesses makes even more of an impact on the community. We know it may be more convenient to shop online or at national retailers but remember, small businesses are the lifeblood of our community and provide more jobs for local residents overall than national chains.

Find a Local Restaurant

Use the search bar below the header to locate restaurants by Restaurant Name, Address, or Category.  Simply start typing a name or location to see a list. As more restaurants get added to the directory, searching will become more important.

List Your Local Restaurant

There are 3 types of listings available on our directory; Free, Premium, and Featured. Free listings are always free and include the Restaurant Name, the restaurant logo, a description of the Restaurant, its Address, and Phone Number, their website, a Google Map, and an image.

Premium Listings, for a modest annual fee, adds the hours of operation, email address, Social Media Links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,) a video link, multiple-image slideshow, their menu, and more.

A Featured Listing is subscription-based and provides prominent placement on the front page.

We search for and add local businesses and service providers by category as unclaimed listings that can then be claimed by the business owner, similar to Google My Business. The business owner has the option of keeping a free listing or upgrading to a Premium or Featured listing or removing the listing entirely. Claimed Listings can be updated by the business owners anytime, should they desire to do so.

Advertising options are also available on the listing pages, ensuring their offers are visible on every listing sidebar. Ads are present for 30-day increments and can be renewed.

Our firm provides services to local businesses such as Website Design and Hosting, Social Media Marketing, Google My Business Management, Reputation Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization. Our primary focus is on helping local businesses get more customers, clients, and patients.

Who We Are

We are a locally owned Internet Marketing business, and this website is our way of showing our appreciation for the efforts of local businesses trying to survive and grow in the challenging times in which we live. We are eager to assist local businesses in their local marketing efforts.


Is YOUR Restaurant Listed in Our Directory?

==> ==> List YOUR Restaurant in Our Directory!<== <==

Basic Listings are FREE!